Darkest dungeon vestal
Darkest dungeon vestal

Going along with the fantasy argument of yours, maybe another decision from that vein is getting rid of the "religious" characters. I'm curious if my theory will be debunked in the future, or if this might really be a design direction they are taking in order to make our characters feel less like superheroes and more like humans. I just find it awfully convenient that they already put 8 characters from DD1 into DD2, but conveniently none of those characters are the ones that seemed to have fantasy powers of their own, but they are all just the basic mortals with weapons and tools. Whereas a priest that summons lightning from the sky, or a Crusader that conjures weapons from light and burns enemies with scrolls is much more on the empowering fantasy side. Hes just borrowing power from something else. I know that Occultist is using magic, and he is already in DD2, but I feel like he gets a pass, since hes borrowing power to the monsters we already know exist in the universe, and the ones you are going up against, so I feel like that gives him a pass, since the magic Occultist uses doesn't feel like it's hes power. Maybe they thought that they wanted to keep the characters more grounded? Make them feel more like mere mortals going up against monstrous abomination? These were all classes that seemed to use magic in one way or another in DD1. Crusader, Vestal, Abomination, Shieldbreaker, Flagellant. Vestal was basically using magic, and in some ways Crusader was too. I was thinking maybe they chose to not put in Crusader and Vestal because they were not as grounded as all of the others except occultist that we see in DD2. While there are other classes that were also not implemented in DD2 yet, I would say neither of them are as popular and core members of DD1 as these two. While Vestal was never so front and center in promotional images, shes your typical priest archetype.īoth Crusader and Vestal are very broadly appealing archetypes for a lot of players, so going with them would make sense in terms of appealing to audiences. I just find it so curious because if you ask me Crusader was not only the most popular class, it was also kinda the poster child of the game in a way if we think of the early promotional arts and trailers. Thanks to Redhook for making such an amazing game.I find it very interesting how they chose to not implement the Crusader and Vestal classes. I don't know if I need to tell you this, but I didn't create/nor do I own any part of Darkest Dungeon, all I did was take the KickStarter Surveys. Remember to give me credit for the original edits should you choose to change these mods yourself, (ESPECIALLY the mask one, I am quite proud of her) or if you choose to upload this to another site. Let me know if you come across any bugs so I can fix them. Place all folders into (DarkestDungeon>Heroes>Vestal) if you already have custom skins installed, make sure mine are named so they don't override anything. If you hate fun and enjoy not getting healed by a sexy masked qt3.14 These sprites are ADDITIONS to the existing skins, they do not over-ride anything. (affliction and heroic sprites are only changed for the masked vestal, her affliction sprites also have masks) Combat/movement/idle/ability sprites all edited with new colors. Another biddie with a bland robe but she has a KICKASS MASK (stolen from Dismas) Bland boring robe girl with a cool bronze mace and green biology textbook Green Robe, blue-ish green-ish armor, blue book girl. This pack adds three distinct flavors of new waifus. NEW vestal skins which all use (mostly) vanilla assets.

darkest dungeon vestal

First off sorry for shoving so many of these crappy re-skins out, but I figure if someone enjoys them half as much as I do, I did a good job.

Darkest dungeon vestal